"Writing eases my suffering..writing is my way of reaffirming my own existence." - Gao Xingjian

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day One...On Day Six

Life is one big journey right? Finding yourself, searching for the meanings or just trying to get through the daily tasks. Whatever discourages or motivates your life, being alive isn't easy and it's a great mysterious and complex adventure that we are all dealing with, whether we recognize that fact or not.

The point of this blog is not for me to complain or whine about how much my life sucks. No, this will not be a repeat of my "Xanga" days. This blog has a purpose and I will be sticking to that. The new year has brought a change in perspective to my life and current situation. I'm in search of finding out what my purpose is. Sounds cliché right?  I don't mind that. I might sound like an "emo" teen "searching for herself" and so what if that's the case? I'm not running away from the person I am now, nope. I will be facing her head-on and discarding her. Complete difference.

Unfortunately, on my journey I can't do what I've always dreamed of. I won't be able to travel to New Zealand, get captured by Orcs and have a strong power building inside me as I work against my own complexes while trying to destroy a magical ring and save Middle Earth. I've yet to be invited to a Magical Wizarding School somewhere in England. I don't have an alien inside my head controlling my body and as far as I'm aware Vampires (although they maybe attractive and charming with that bad-boy edge) still kill people because that's how they live and they are evil, not romantic or sparkly. I haven't gone through a divorce, I'm too young and far too poor to go on a life changing journey to Italy, India and Indonesia. Nope, as much as I desperately wish at 11:11 for all the stories I read to be my life, my adventure to find myself will have to be a lot less theatrical and mythical.

I know that for me to grow and change during my adventure I need to stay motivated, organized and focused. I've set my goals and I'm ready to achieve them. I want to become a dynamic character in the story of my life before it's too late and I regret the choices I've made.

"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it" --W.M.Lewis

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